b'ABOUT USI started The Little Bra Company in 2007,because I couldnt find any attractive brasthat fit my smaller frame and chest. Thebras that fit better looked like training bras,and the ones that were sexier did not fitquite right. Many of my petite friendsshared my lament, and so I created acollection of bras that fit and flattered ourspecific body types better.Today, The Little Bra Company offers afull bra wardrobe for the petite customer,and every bra has some thoughtful designelement that will help give you a boost inmore ways than one. Thank you for sharingmy love of lingerie, and for choosing TLBCfor your customers. After all, GOODTHINGS DO COME IN SMALLPACKAGES! xo.emilyPETITE PROPORTIONOur scale is based on a petite body type, soour proportion is made to fit a smaller figurebetter. THOUGHTFUL DESIGNEvery bra has some thoughtful designelement that will help give you a boost inmore ways than one.MADE FOR YOUWe fit all petites no matter your height. We have more than 21 sizes to give thesmaller-framed figure a more customized fit.'